Yoga Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat For Women

Yoga Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat For Women

Yoga Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat For Women

Yoga Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat For Women Practising yoga regularly can offer several health benefits for not just the body, but for the mind and soul too. Apart from increasing flexibility and improving muscle strength and tone, certain yoga asanas can help burn fat effectively.

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana

To perform this asana, lie flat on your stomach with forehead on the ground and palms underneath the shoulders. Using the back and belly muscles, lift your body off the floor slowly while inhaling. Straighten your arms keeping shoulder blades pressed against your back. Stretch your neck while looking at the ceiling. Lift your hips off the floor by a couple of inches. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds; exhale and return to starting position.

Boat Pose or Navasana

To practise, start with sitting on the floor. Keep legs straight in front of you with knees bent. Lean back a bit as you gradually lift your legs up in the air. Stretch your arms in front of you at shoulder height. Engage your abdominal muscles and feel your spine stretch. Hold this pose for as long as you can. Return to starting position, and rest for some seconds before repeating.

Knees To Chest Pose or Apanasana

To begin, lie down on your back and inhale deeply. Pull your knees up to your chest while exhaling. Keep shoulder blades down towards the waist. Keep your face aligned with the centre of your body and tuck chin downwards. Hold this pose for 10-15 seconds or till breathing becomes comfortable. Move knees side to side slowly and maximise stretch as much as you can. Return to starting position as you exhale. Relax for a minute and repeat, performing the asana for a minimum of six times.

Chair Pose or Utkatasana

Stand with your feet slightly apart. Inhale and raise arms straight overhead with palms facing in and with triceps next to ears. Exhale and bend the knees while pushing the butt back; slowly lower yourself towards the floor as you would when sitting in a chair. Let the torso lean naturally forward over the thighs. Keep shoulders down and back. Continue inhaling and exhaling deeply. Hold the position for five breaths and return to starting position.