Tips to Get Rid of Oily Skin Naturally

Tips to Get Rid of Oily Skin Naturally

Tips to Get Rid of Oily Skin Naturally

Tips to Get Rid of Oily Skin Naturally Although oily skin can clog pores and lead to increased acne breakouts, oily skin also has many benefits. Oil helps preserve the skin, and people with oily skin tend to have thicker skin and fewer wrinkles. The key is to strike a balance between having too much oil and maintaining your skin’s natural moisture.

An oily skin type is exactly what it sounds like – excess oil on the face produces a persistently shiny or greasy appearance. If you don’t treat your oily skin, pores can become clogged and enlarged, and dead skin cells may accumulate. Blackheads, pimples and other types of acne are also common with this skin type.

Wash your face:

It seems obvious, but many people with oily skin don’t wash their face daily. If your skin’s oily, you should wash your face twice a day — but don’t overdo it. Avoid harsh soaps or detergents. Use a gentle soap such as glycerin soap instead.

Blotting papers:

These thin, small papers won’t prevent your sebaceous glands from going into overdrive, but they’ll allow you to blot excess oil from your face to help minimize shiny, greasy skin. Blotting papers are inexpensive and available over the counter. Use as needed throughout the day.


Honey is one of nature’s most revered skin remedies. Thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic abilities, it may benefit oily and acne-prone skin.

Honey is also a natural humectant, so it helps keep the skin moist but not oily. This is because humectants draw moisture from the skin without replacing it.

To use honey to treat acne and oily skin, spread a thin layer, preferably raw, onto your face; let it dry for about 10 minutes, and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Egg whites and lemons:

Egg whites and lemons are a folk remedy for oily skin. Both ingredients are thought to tighten pores. The acid in lemons and other citrus fruits may help absorb oil. According to a 2008 studyTrusted Source, lemons also have antibacterial abilities. However, this remedy is not a good choice for people with egg allergies.

To make an egg white and lemon face mask:

Combine 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon freshly-squeezed lemon juice.
Apply it to your face, and leave it on until the mask dries.
Remove with warm water, and pat dry.

Jojoba oil:

Although the idea of applying oil to oily skin seems counterproductive, jojoba oil is a folk remedy to treat oily skin, acne, and other skin problems.

It’s thought that jojoba mimics sebum on the skin to “trick” sebaceous glands into producing less sebum and help keep oil levels balanced. There’s no scientific research to support this theory, though.

Still, a 2012 study found that applying a mask made of healing clay and jojoba oil two to three times weekly helped heal skin lesions and mild acne.

A little jojoba oil goes a long way. Using too much may worsen oily skin. Try massaging a few drops into clean skin a few days a week to see how you react. If you like the results, apply daily.