Boiling Milk

Milk Boiling Tips

Milk Boiling Tips

It is Okay to Boil Milk Before Drinking! According to the Department of Food Science in Cornell University, pasteurised or boiled milk has a longer shelf life than raw milk, contrary to the myth that boiling milk will not reduce its lactose content. Raw milk may harbour E.coli, salmonella and other harmful bacteria.

What happens to milk when you boil it?
With sauces and soups containing milk, boiling or simmering can cause the milk to curdle, which is not particularly appetizing (although it is safe to eat). Without getting too complicated, milk is basically an emulsion of butterfat, proteins, and water.

Pasteurization also destroys beneficial bacteria found in raw milk. It kills the natural enzymes and destroys the chemical make-up of calcium in raw milk. Calcium is vital to the growth and health of children. Pasteurization has been implicated in everything from allergies to heart disease to cancer.

Can you boil milk?
Boiling raw milk kills microbes and makes the milk safe to drink. Pasteurized milk is safe to drink cold, but boiling may extend its shelf life. If you just need to heat milk for cooking or to enjoy a warm cup, scalding it is faster and easier.