chikoo during pregnancy

Chikoo Fruit Benefits During Pregnancy

Chikoo Fruit Benefits During Pregnancy

Chikoo fruit, also known as sapodilla, can provide several benefits for pregnant women. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Rich in nutrients: Chikoo is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron, which are important for the health of both the mother and the growing baby.
  2. Boosts energy: Chikoo is a good source of natural sugars that can provide a quick energy boost to pregnant women, who often experience fatigue due to the physical demands of pregnancy.
  3. Promotes digestion: The fiber content in chikoo can help regulate digestion and prevent constipation, which is a common problem during pregnancy.
  4. Strengthens immune system: The vitamin C in chikoo can help boost the immune system and protect against infections, which is important during pregnancy when the immune system is weakened.
  5. May help in fetal development: Chikoo contains antioxidants that can help protect the developing fetus from damage due to free radicals.

However, it’s important to consume chikoo in moderation as it is also high in natural sugars and calories. Pregnant women should also consult with their healthcare provider before adding any new foods to their diet.

Chikoo or Sapota is safe to eat during pregnancy. It is very good for pregnant mother and the baby inside the womb. Chikoo is superfood for a pregnant women as it is rich in many nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy calories.

Chikoo keeps the digestive tract healthy and also fights inflammation in the gut.

Chikoo is called the powerhouse of energy, it is rich in fructose and sucrose which will boost energy instantly. Sapota is a great snack that can be consumed by pregnant women.

Chikoo during pregnancy

The polyphenolic antioxidants in chikoo prevent bacterial infections during pregnancy.

Chikoo has a rich source of calcium, iron and phosphorous, which play a vital role for the maintenance of bone health. Chikoo strengthen the bones.

Chikoo is rich in vitamin A and carbohydrates, which makes it an ideal fruit to be consumed by pregnant women and nursing mothers. It eases stomach and aids in digestion.

Chikoo helps to keep away fatigue and tiredness caused by morning sickness in pregnant women.

During pregnancy fluctuations in blood pressure is a very common. Chikoo fruit can help in keeping blood pressure in check. The high amount of magnesium and potassium helps in regulating blood pressure.

Chikoo or Sapota during pregnancy is ideal fruit for pregnant women which helps in developing fetus. Chikoo is low in fat and has zero cholesterol. It also have niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, etc.

So include Chikoo in your diet and stay healthy. They can be consumed directly or in any form.
As Chikoo is a seasonal fruit and you can intake Chikoo in any form.

Chikoo frutA chipZ

You can also order Allzen Foods Online – Chikoo Fruit Chips which are made natural farm fresh real fruits. They are made with Freeze drying process, which retains the real fruit values. No added preservatives/Sugar, contains Just freeze dried fruit, no other additives.

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