Fruits to Eat during Pregnancy

Fruits should be a part of your everyday diet. And, eating healthy during pregnancy ensures long-term health of the mother and the baby. Eating fruits also helps prevent constipation, a common symptom during pregnancy. However, they may not realize that specific fruits are particularly beneficial during pregnancy.

Benefits of eating fruits
*Fruits contains important nutrients like beta carotene which helps in the development of tissue and cells.
*Vitamin C helps repair body tissues, heals wounds and cuts, maintains the health of teeth and gums, and is essential for strong immunity.
*Folic acid, which is a water-soluble B vitamin prevents foetal growth defects related to the brain and the spinal cord.
*Calcium contributes to the development of bones and teeth in babies.
* During pregnancy , leg cramps are common. These can be alleviated by consuming enough potassium.

Fruits to Eat

  1. Apricots – Apricots are high in fibre and excellent for facilitating bowel movement in pregnant women. It contains vitamin A and C, iron, calcium and beta carotene etc which prevents anaemia. You can have up to two to four apricots a day.
  2. Oranges – Oranges are a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage. It also helps your body absorb iron. Folate can help prevent neural tube defects, which can cause brain and spinal cord abnormalities in a baby. They also help you remain hydrated and contribute to the daily fluid intake. Potassium helps prevent high blood pressure during pregnancy.
  3. Mangoes – Mangoes contain a high amount of Vitamin C, which helps in digestion, prevents constipation and protects you from minor infections. They are rich in fibre, antioxidants, and energy. Mangoes are a wonderful source of beta carotene and are beneficial for maintaining good hair and skin. One cup of chopped mango provides 100 percent of a person’s recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
  4. Pears – They are a rich source of vitamin C too. Pears contain high amounts of folic acid, it plays a key role in preventing neural tube defects in babies.
  5. Avocados – Avocados are known to have more folate than other fruits. Avocados are effective in relieving leg cramps, which are often caused by low potassium and magnesium. Avocados also contain iron, choline and is essential for brain and nerve development in babies. Choline deficiency may cause neural tube defects and lifetime memory impairment.
  6. Bananas – They are a rich source of folate, vitamin C, B6, potassium, and magnesium. It ensures a healthy fluid balance. Vitamin B6 regulate sodium levels and control nausea and vomiting. Generally, one banana is recommended every day during your first trimester.
  7. Berries – strawberries any time of the day as the delicious fruit keeps you nourished with significant amounts of vitamins and fibre. One cup of blueberries contains potassium, which helps in regulating your blood pressure and preventing preeclampsia. They also contain manganese and potassium that aid the growth of strong bones of your baby.
  8. Pomegranates – Pomegranates contain calcium, folate, iron, protein and Vitamin C. Thus; they are highly recommended during pregnancy. It is one of the best natural cures for iron deficiency problems.Its juice helps in lowering the risk of injury to the placenta.
  9. Apples – Eating apples during pregnancy may also offer a surprising health benefit for your baby. Apples are rich in nutrients and contain vitamins A, E and D and Zinc. They detoxify the body from lead and mercury. They enhance the immunity and strength of your baby.
  10. Guava – The good old guava is a tropical fruit and is highly nutritious. Guava also aids digestion and provides strength to the baby’s nervous system. It is rich in Vitamin C, E, iso-flavonoids, Carotenoids and Polyphenols. The polyphenols in grapes strengthen the heart’s functioning. Guava also aids digestion and provides strength to the baby’s nervous system.